Our bodies are all about balance. In nature, when our ecosystem is out of balance, we see extreme weather events.  In our lives, when our body is out of balance, we see extreme health events, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, chronic acid reflux and cancer.

Prevention of extreme health events is taking charge of the big three: what you eat, what you drink and what you do for exercise and stress relief. Our body is approximately 70% water. Thus, it is critical to our health to fill up on nutritious mineralized alkaline water.


Minerals make water alkaline. In mother nature, water flows over bedrock picking up minerals, like calcium and magnesium. These minerals have stabilizing effects, making water more resistant to pH changes and thus alkaline. 

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Contrary to popular belief, alkalinity does not mean high pH. It means water is resistant to changes in pH. In other words, the water is more stable. 

Our body is built to thrive in balance, and the stability of mineralized alkaline water makes maintaining balance, homeostasis, easier. It does this in 2 ways:

  1. Calcium for pH balance: calcium in the form of phosphates and carbonates represents a large reservoir of base in our body. In response to an acid load such as the modern diet these salts are released into systemic circulation to bring about pH homeostasis. (Journal of Environmental and Public Health PMID: 22013455)

  2. Magnesium for essential body function: magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.( HealthProfessional/)


Water, filtered through most conventional filters measures low in alkalinity. The result of a filter that has not been optimized for health is that the water has been stripped of contaminants and minerals that stabilize the water. When this water is absorbed in the body, it has no ability to maintain balance (homeostasis).

Santevia filtered water is infused with calcium and magnesium. When drinking Santevia water, it’s absorbed in the body and has the ability to maintain this healthy pH with stabilizing minerals.

Things to consider when purchasing a water filtration system:

  1. Filtration – does it filter the contaminants you care about? Chlorine etc.

  2. Remineralization – is the filter adding back in healthy minerals that make water alkaline?

The Santevia MINA Pitcher looks after both considerations - helping our bodies stay hydrated and in balance with clean, mineralized alkaline water. 

Blog submitted by Santevia

Brendan Klatt