Home Grown

A manifesto serves as a declaration of principles, as well as a catalyst for thought that inspires change. We at Amaranth have a vision around creating a better way for us to eat, live and thrive. With our customers, community and long term sustainability of our planet in mind, we bring to you HOMEGROWN, more than local. 

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We believe that local is more than an ideal. Supporting local serves both the economy and the environment. It supports the creation of a more resilient and self-reliant province and country. We define local as owned locally, but seek to find products that are also produced locally. MADE in Canada or Alberta products employ more Canadians and Albertans impacting more of the collective. 

We believe that products need to be good for us. Organically grown, minimal processing and less ingredients are more. We believe in food the way nature intended. 

We believe in and want to do good for our planet. We want our children’s children to live in a world that is better than the one we have now. We support companies that do their part to do good for the planet. Most organic methods also embrace this vision, as well as farmers that are serving us off of the land that they are living and working on. Our ideal is to partner with local farmers and producers that create healthy food for us while also taking care of the environment. They do good by us and for us- as we see a decrease in the use of so much fossil fuel, an increase in more solar energy, an implorement of new sustainable farming practices (including biodynamic methods) as well as less use of GMO’s, fertilizers, pesticides and other harmful chemicals. 

Therefore, we want to share the stories and practices of these farmers and companies. Products that are not just local to Calgary or Edmonton, but they are produced in Canada or Alberta and are doing good for us, our planet and our future on it. They have a powerful story to tell about their consciousness around their social and environmental impact. They are a local provider that is contributing to a sustainable system for generations to come- and we couldn’t be more excited!

Therefore, we invite you to follow along by looking for this logo when you shop, as well as share the stories with others. May it spark a deep curiosity about what could be if we pulled in and supported all that is HOMEGROWN...for it is more than local - it is a better world.

Brendan Klatt